Monographs And Other Invited Publications


  1. Diab, “Regional Perspectives on the Future of Higher Education: The Future of Higher Education in the Middle East,” University World News on-line publication pertaining to the IAUP Semi-Annual Meeting & 50th Anniversary Conference on “Higher Education in 2065,” 22-25 May 2015, Oxford & Wroxton, United Kingdom.

  2. Diab, “Harmonization of ICT Standards Related To Arabic Language Use In Information Society Applications,” ESCWA Publication Reference: E/ESCWA/ICTD/2003/5, United Nations, New York, 2003.

  3. Diab, “R&D Potentials in ICT: Case of Lebanon,” 4th eForsee International Conference: “The Role of Foresight in Implementing the EU Wider Neighbourhood Policy, and in the Structuring of a Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation Area”, organized by the European Commission, November 13-14, 2003, Corinthia San Gorg, Malta.

  4. Diab, “Standardization Related To Arabic Language Use In ICT,” Western Asia Preparatory Conference for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), ESCWA Publication Reference: E/ESCWA/ICTD/2003/WG.1/CRP.29, 4 – 6 February 2003, UN House, Beirut, Lebanon.

  5. Diab, Translation from English into Arabic of “Music Wars” by K.C. Pohlmann, Scientific American, November 2000. Published in Arabic Edition of Scientific American (Majallat AlOloom), “حروب الموسيقى”, Vol. 18, No. 5/6, pp. 63-66, May/June 2002. Published by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Advancement.

  6. Diab, F. Mrad, and G. Deeb, “Intelligent automation in building management systems,” Invited Contribution, Lebanese Technical Reports, Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research, pp. 3-77, No. 6, September 1998.


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